What is an Ultra Compact Digital Camera

If you've been wondering what it means when you hear the term ultra compact digital camera then you're not alone. It can certainly get a bit confusing, discerning between the ultra compact and the compact. But there's definitely a difference, and the difference can be quite large.

The fact is that ultra compact cameras are exactly that...ULTRA COMPACT! Fortunately, these little cameras pack a powerful punch for their size, while maintaining an ease of use that's a force to be reckoned with. The ultra compact camera is basically perfect for the photographer who's constantly on the move, and wants to be able to simply point and shoot...and be able to have the confidence that the shots he or she grabs are going to be of high quality each and every time.

One amazing thing about these tiny little cameras is the performance that they offer. These are cameras that can easily fit into a shirt pocket, or purse, but at the same time can grab very good and high resolution shots. Most have a lot of menu options that actually help the photographer choose which is going to be the best menu option to grab the best shop possible.

In the digital camera world, the number of megapixels is often a chief determination of which camera to buy. You wouldn't think it, but the ultra compact digital cameras can very often have a very high megapixel count and take clear and detailed pictures. The range varies from three megapixels to up to eight or ten. Honestly, nowadays, you'll rarely find one offered with less than 5 or 6 megapixels. But with these cameras you'll get crisp, clear, and brilliantly colored photos that will amaze you.

A great many of the ultra compact cameras are outfitted with an incredible zoom and are capable of using this power to get in close on shots to get you right on top of the action. You'd probably be very surprised by how powerful a digital camera - the size of a playing card can be.

Since these are very portable and meant to be taken out and about and be ready to shoot in an instant, the response time is incredibly fast on most of the ultra compact digital cameras. Many come with the same processing technology that the regular compact cameras come with and therefore start up very quickly, and shoot at incredible speeds. If action is your thing, then you'll also be pleasantly surprised to find that many of the ultra compacts have a rapid fire response of 3 to 5 frames per second. This lets you get right in on the action and not miss a beat.

One of the luxuries of the ultra compact can be the very large LCD Screens used to frame the shot in, as well as review the photo after it's been taken. There are a few of these cameras that actually have a 3.5 inch LCD Screen which nearly covers the entire back of the camera itself. These LCD screens are exceptionally clear with a high resolution and allow you to see the photos even at terrible angles or in direct sunlight. Passing around a camera to view pictures when the entire back is the screen is pretty remarkable and you'll be glad that you're able to show it off like that.

Another surprising feature of these cameras can be the fact that you're able to actually record movie clips on them and get a very clear picture with it. These are movies with sound and you'll be very proud to send video clips of the kids off to grandmother, and most likely, she'll never guess it was from an ultra compact camera.

So now that you've gotten the answer to "what is an ultra compact digital camera", you can make a much more educated and logical buying decision.

Bruce Hunter is the publisher of CORE Magazine and writes about digital cameras. Visit CORE now to get free access to information on ultra compact digital camera.

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